Other products
Decorative roof tile
Curved tile with small dimensions for special roofs, such as chimneys, fences, pet kennels, etc
Bottle-storage bricks
Dimensions: 215x120x245 mm (width-height-depth)
Bardo cerámico
Dimensions: 130x30x5 mm (width-height-depth)
Ceramic Lattice / Handrails
Drawing clover
Brick ‘hórreo’
Brick with diagonal cut for the construction of ‘hórreos’.
Curved tile with small dimensions for special roofs, such as chimneys, fences, pet kennels, etc.
Dimensions: 215x120x245 mm (width-height-depth)
Dimensions: 130x30x5 mm (width-height-depth)
Drawing clover
Brick with diagonal cut for the construction of ‘hórreos’.