Tejas Verea

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What is the Verea System?

Tejas Verea has an installation system approved in Spain, the Verea System, which guarantees the watertightness of the roof, reduces on-site execution times and ensures the correct functioning of the roof even in the most extreme conditions.

Among the advantages of the Verea System are: its adaptability to all types of thermal insulation, improvement of the hygrothermal performance of the roof by creating a ventilated layer on the outer face of the insulation; and the stability of all the elements of the roof even in situations of high slopes and/or winds exceeding 180 km/h.

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Because it is an approved installation system that guarantees compliance with the CTE and has been widely consolidated in the market since its implementation in 2007.

Because thanks to its double cover configuration, it is designed to protect your home in the most extreme conditions, successfully overcoming torrential rains of 360 l/m2, 180 km/h winds and -20°C temperatures.

Because it reduces installation and maintenance costs, and thanks to its easy installation, it minimizes possible execution errors on site.

Because it has all the necessary materials for the installation of a dry roof: mechanical fasteners, waterproof strips, ridge profiles, eliminating the use of mortar.

Because it is the most versatile system on the market, adapting to a wide variety of under-tile slabs and insulation systems.

How to install the Verea System?

Tile: Barrel 40×15
Corrugated sheet: Fibercement
Thermal insulation: XPS 50mm
Tile: Barrel 45×20
Corrugated sheet: Onduline BT150
Thermal insulation: Ondutherm basic 50mm
Tile: Spanish “S”
Corrugated sheet: Onduline BT150
Thermal insulation: Onduline PIT UTR 60mm
See also our installation systems for roof tiles fitting and our documentation and BIM Objects.
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