The Spanish Association of Cooker Clay Brick and Roof Tile Manufacturers (Hispalyt) has convenid a new edition of its IV Architecture of Roof Tile Awards. It is a contest of projects carried out between 2017 and 2019 with ceramic roof tile that aims to value the architectural production of our country made with ceramic materials and give greater dissemination and social impact of the most significant works during the last two years.
The works submitted must use cerámica roof time significantly in most of their roofs or exterior walls, manufactured in Spain by one of Hispalyt’s members, such as Tejas Verea, in any of its formats, geometries and special pieces. The tiles must have the CE marking according to the harmonized standard UNE-EN 1304.
The Architecture of Roof Tile Awards in endowed with 3.000 euros in each one of the categories “Rehabilitation” and “New Construction”, and two mentions of 600 euros in those same categories. The jury reserves the right to grant other special mentions without financial endowment.
The awards may be attended by professionals, architects and builders, Spanish or foreign nationality, with new works of public or private use, reforms, rehabilitations or urban public spaces, both located in Spain and abroad.
The deadline for the presentation of the documentación is December 17, 2019. More information about the bases and presentation of the documentation on the Hispalyt website.